View Full Version : Just an Ordinary Middle School...

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:06 PM
... Not anymore!
One of the kids at Eversky Middle School has found a special rune that makes some things.... Become part of reality.

So, at first it's a normal middle school... Then someone finds the hidden Imagination Rune. I won't tell you who... But this is going to be sweet.
Rune holder becomes the master of it all. Also, everyone has dreams of the Imagination Rune.



My Form:

Name: Lia
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Grade: 8th
Looks: Somewhat short, Brown hair that sometimes seems to taunt her. Not that she cares XD. Hazel eyes.
Perso: Friendly, Cheerful, sometimes Distant, She likes to keep her true thoughts to herself. She always acts depending on her situation.
Other/Questions: Lia is a nickname someone gave me for no reason XD

Ainz Ooal Gown
November 15th, 2016, 11:09 PM
Name: Jayden
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Grade: 7th
Looks:tall skinny with short black hair with blue eyes
Perso: tbrp?
Other/Questions: I saw the title and said, "Well that's a lie"

November 15th, 2016, 11:09 PM

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:10 PM
Name: Jayden
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Grade: 7th
Looks:tall skinny with short black hair with blue eyes
Perso: tbrp?
Other/Questions: I saw the title and said, "Well that's a lie"
(XD accepted)

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:10 PM
I'm going to love this rp. SOOO MUCH XD

November 15th, 2016, 11:11 PM
What is it about? Your description made no sense.

November 15th, 2016, 11:12 PM
Name: Jason Shim
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Grade: 7th?
Looks: A 13 year old korean boy with chocolate eyes and blackish brown hair.
Perso: abit crazy and insane, quite annoying but still, sometimes smart and funny.
Other/Questions: Alot of people call Jason by his nickname; Wefy.

Ainz Ooal Gown
November 15th, 2016, 11:13 PM
(XD accepted)
I'm just gonna say now, that I have school then basketball practice so if I'm not always on, that's why.

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:14 PM
What is it about? Your description made no sense.
It's about an ordinary middle school that somehow releases things based off of tv shows and stuff like Tokyo Mew Mew and Harry Potter OwO

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:15 PM
Name: Jason Shim
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Grade: 7th?
Looks: A 13 year old korean boy with chocolate eyes and blackish brown hair.
Perso: abit crazy and insane, quite annoying but still, sometimes smart.
Other/Questions: Alot of people call Jason by his nickname; Wefy.

November 15th, 2016, 11:15 PM
(Just mentioning, everything on the form is true. I have no creativity today...))

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:15 PM
I'm just gonna say now, that I have school then basketball practice so if I'm not always on, that's why.
(ah ok)

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:16 PM
(Just mentioning, everything on the form is true. I have no creativity today...))
(Oh XD)

Wildy~ =3
November 15th, 2016, 11:20 PM
(Oh XD)
(Just mentioning, everything on the form is true. I have no creativity today...))
(Also XD I wasn't focusing on protecting myself from the possible dangers of cyberspace..... Oops now I feel weird XD)

November 15th, 2016, 11:59 PM
Name: Tommy
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Grade: 4th
Looks: Too lazy to describe, so here goes a link: Image (https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/526460_268624386580046_107762829_n.jpg?oh=8a30ae41 ab99177996511b8b8757bf8a&oe=58D400CE)
Perso: Is kind and soft hearted, but very timid. He loves videogames and competitive sports, like dodgeball and soccer. (I know this is vague, but that's all you'll be able to know before meeting the character ;D)

Wildy~ =3
November 16th, 2016, 10:29 AM
Name: Tommy
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Grade: 4th
Looks: Too lazy to describe, so here goes a link: Image (https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/526460_268624386580046_107762829_n.jpg?oh=8a30ae41 ab99177996511b8b8757bf8a&oe=58D400CE)
Perso: Is kind and soft hearted, but very timid. He loves videogames and competitive sports, like dodgeball and soccer. (I know this is vague, but that's all you'll be able to know before meeting the character ;D)
(Wow, he's 14 and only in 4th grade? Anyways accepted although I DID say 'Middle School' not 'Elementary School' XD)

November 16th, 2016, 11:16 AM
Might make a form..

November 16th, 2016, 11:29 AM
Might make a form..
(*Suggests to make a form*)

November 16th, 2016, 11:57 AM
(Wow, he's 14 and only in 4th grade? Anyways accepted although I DID say 'Middle School' not 'Elementary School' XD)

(That's because he never passed beyond them, but he sneaks into higher grades class. He is a genius but extremely lazy)

November 16th, 2016, 12:15 PM
(( Ima join when I get back from school-it's only 1:15 and I'm on a school computer so yeah :rainbowllama: ))

November 16th, 2016, 12:36 PM
Name: Lily

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Grade: 8th

Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.paigeeworld.com%2Fus er-media%2F1427155200000%2F54f31c1d29cb1f0d49ee4726_5 510e727d2c45ef237aadc7a_320.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paigeeworld.com%2Fu%2F periinkle&docid=RpGALl-yN16vUM&tbnid=qF7Pe0bWKkIKsM%3A&vet=1&w=320&h=405&safe=strict&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=404&biw=320&ved=0ahUKEwjCkuH1863QAhUq_IMKHRQDDr0QMwgqKAkwCQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 (OML SOWY FOR LONG LINK XD)

Personality: TBRPED (Lazy DX)

November 16th, 2016, 04:49 PM
Name: Raney Fiori // Haru Nyioma // Kara Takehiko

Age: 12 // 14 // 10

Gender: Female // Female // Female

Grade: 7th // 8th // 8th (( I'll explain ))

Looks: http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/06/GIF-Anime-Girl.gif?gs=a // http://www.theanimegallery.com/data/thumbs/790px/0155/tAG_155402.jpg // https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-uerfp4R41uQ/V5tdUiVWM7I/AAAAAAAAPxY/WzwsA0jZYesqsftLv094dagw9Vu4IKF-w/w426-h602/anime-anime-girl-cat-cute-Favim.com-3996235.jpg

Perso: TBRP // TBRP // TBRP

Other/Questions: Raney's pretty smart to say the least // Haru's Athletic // Kara was pushed up a few grades because of smart she is

November 16th, 2016, 05:25 PM
Name: Lunis Wolf
Age: 14
Gender: female
Grade: 8th
Looks: http://degree180.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/photo-1443180528392-bf4de2d8e2c8-690x460.jpeg
Perso: sassy smart acts like shes perfect but tries to be nice

Name:Vixen Shakespeare
Age: 11
Gender: female
Grade: 6th
Perso: sweet amazingly smart loves reading and writing
Other/Questions: can she be somehow related to Shakespeare

Name: sammy ( sam ) wilberson
Age: 13
Gender: female
Grade: 7th
Looks: http://nicoleodell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/10171165_10202342583383788_1791173138_n.jpg
Perso: sassy firey calm a little odd

Name: Carmen jackson
Age: 11
Gender: female
Grade: 7th
Looks: http://rs657.pbsrc.com/albums/uu298/_Nana__/Jena.jpg~c200
Perso: shy and hopes to be liked
Other/Questions: bumped up a 1 grade she didnt want to seem over smart and only went up one

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 09:27 PM
(All accepted and @vixenandwillowlikecookie (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=418) yes she can be related to Shakespeare as long as she says something like Shakespeare would at least once every week in RP XD Also we can start now)

Lia was walking through the hallway at her house. Her mind kept buzzing about the dream she had last night....

It was dark at first. Then, a purple-pink light shone over her head. Five other lights shone, slightly illuminating other people. She couldn't tell who they were. The lights were red, light blue, yellow, silver, and green. There was a table in between all of them. On top was a purple-pink stone. The other people watched it, but didn't move. She slowly walked to it and touched it. It turned into six stones. They each had a color corresponding to a light. Each of the other people walked to their color stone and they all picked theirs up. Suddenly, a bright white light covered them all, before she could see their faces.

(In this RP it's Sunday. Also, everyone's dream is different. SO don't copy plz.)

November 17th, 2016, 10:04 PM
(Idk how to start XD)

goddess of ducks
November 17th, 2016, 10:08 PM
Name: Cole
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Grade: 8th
Appearance: He is tall and lanky with short brown hair that spikes upwards in the front. He has light blue eyes and fairly pale tan skin. He normally wears red hoodies and glean jeans with sneakers.
Personality: Kind, gentle, caring, smart, short tempered at times.
Other: you asked for an RP :3

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 10:08 PM
(Idk how to start XD)
(Find a way to incorporate the Imagination Rune into a dream, then go from there?)

November 17th, 2016, 10:26 PM
Jason got up from the desk. He yawned as he dragged himself to bed. He collapsed on the soft bed, sleep calling for him. He had stayed up all night doing homework all in advance. He waited for darkness to envelope him but was instead hit with brightness...

He couldn't see correctly, everything was blurry. All he could see was black, then white. "Hello?" He called out, but received an echo of his own voice. He thought he saw a grey object coming close and closer to him, and when he realized it was heading straight at him, he started running. He felt like he was flying and when he looked down, he saw his feet wasn't touching the ground. Above, a silver light shined through the cracks of what he thought of as a white roof. When he was about to reach the roof, darkness slammed into his sight, transferring him to the dream world...

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 10:30 PM
Jason got up from the desk. He yawned as he dragged himself to bed. He collapsed on the soft bed, sleep calling for him. He had stayed up all night doing homework all in advance. He waited for darkness to envelope him but was instead hit with brightness...

He couldn't see correctly, everything was blurry. All he could see was black, then white. "Hello?" He called out, but received an echo of his own voice. He thought he saw a grey object coming close and closer to him, and when he realized it was heading straight at him, he started running. He felt like he was flying and when he looked down, he saw his feet wasn't touching the ground. Above, a silver light shined through the cracks of what he thought of as a white roof. When he was about to reach the roof, darkness slammed into his sight, transferring him to the dream world...

Lia was bored, so she decided to watch more Tokyo Mew Mew. She had to catch up on it. Soo many episodes.

November 17th, 2016, 10:38 PM
Jason woke up abruptly. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 10, showing him that he slept 5 hours. Sighing he decided to call anyone, and saw Lia's first. he pressed call and waited.

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 10:42 PM
Jason woke up abruptly. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 10, showing him that he slept 5 hours. Sighing he decided to call anyone, and saw Lia's first. he pressed call and waited.
Lia was so focused on the TV that she didn't notice her phone ringing until it got so loud her mom yelled at her to pick it up. Lia paused the show and picked up the phone. "Hello?" she asked, slightly tempted to hang up and watch more TV.

November 17th, 2016, 10:45 PM
"Oh hello!" Jason said, surprised that the person picked up. "Umm..." He didn't know how to put the words, "Have you seen... well sensed anything strange in sleep?" he said, and thought to himself 'darn I sound weird'

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 10:48 PM
"Oh hello!" Jason said, surprised that the person picked up. "Umm..." He didn't know how to put the words, "Have you seen... well sensed anything strange in sleep?" he said, and thought to himself 'darn I sound weird'
Lia paled. "A strange dream? What was it like?" She tried her best to stay calm, but her mind was about to explode.

November 17th, 2016, 10:55 PM
Lia paled. "A strange dream? What was it like?" She tried her best to stay calm, but her mind was about to explode.
"Well, something like bizarre lightings and colors, weird places, and lucid dreaming." Jason said, as those were the only things he remembered. Actually, he remembered everything that happened in that dream.

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 11:02 PM
"Well, something like bizarre lightings and colors, weird places, and lucid dreaming." Jason said, as those were the only things he remembered. Actually, he remembered everything that happened in that dream.
Lia somehow paled even more. "..."

November 17th, 2016, 11:09 PM
Lia somehow paled even more. "..."
"Umm... hello?" Jason frowned, 'did I say something weird?' He asked himself

Wildy~ =3
November 17th, 2016, 11:14 PM
"Umm... hello?" Jason frowned, 'did I say something weird?' He asked himself
"N-no.... It's just that..." Lia trailed off.

November 17th, 2016, 11:18 PM
"N-no.... It's just that..." Lia trailed off.
"Just what?" Jason was getting nervous now, 'is it just me or do I feel a dejavu coming?'

November 18th, 2016, 07:27 AM
(Okie XD) "H-Hello?" Lily said, her voice echoing around the pitch black room that she was in. She walked around, feeling all alone and isolated as she tried to find a way out. The silly part was that she had no idea how she got there, and she was questioning if this was all a dream or real. The girl jumped as she heard the floor below her creak. Lily's heart began to race as she saw a large crack emerging from the floor and running everywhere. "W-What's going on?!" She asked, backing away from it. Lily was paralyzed with no idea of how to escape. The floor soon gave up on staying strong and crumbled underneath the frightened girl, causing her to fall to what seemed like her death. Lily screamed as she fell down a deep hole, her eyes closed tightly for almost the rest of the ride. Colorful lights were glowing around her, and the girl couldn't help but open her eyes to see runes and crystals of all colors pass by her. "What are these?" She asked, managing to grab one, but it dissolved into blue sparkles and she looked up, seeing that all the gems were dissolving into the dark abyss up above. Lily suddenly heard dozens of whispers ring in her ears and she looked down, seeing a magnificent and colorful rune up ahead. She had the urge to grab it, her eyes shining with excitement as she stretched out both arms, ready to grab the rune. As she got closer to it, the whispers grew louder. Lily finally touched the rune with her fingertips, but her vision was covered with a bright white light.

Lily woke up with surprised eyes as she sat up on her bed. "What... was that dream?" She asked to herself, looking out the window and pondering about what she just experienced. She grabbed her journal and began to write down her dream while continuing to think about it.

November 18th, 2016, 09:14 AM
Kara stared at the stone in front of her, it looked almost like a crystal, she could see a familar outline near her, it might have been Haru, but she couldn't tell, as soon as she was about to touch the gem, everything became a bright white, and her eyes widened, then flinched back, the figure grabbing her, and then...it all became back

Kara walked next to Haru, the young girl lost in thought, while Haru tugged on her jeans, the two were quiet, before Haru split up with Kara, the small girl smiling before running off in another direction, and as much as Haru wanted to chase the child, she stayed back, walking after her, a small smile on her face as she weaved around a few students, quiet

November 18th, 2016, 10:01 AM
Lily looked at the clock, happy to have some luck today. Usually, she would wake up super late on a school day, but thanks to that odd dream that she had, she was able to wake up. She hopped out of her bed with a yawn, putting her journal on her desk before she got ready for school.

Wildy~ =3
November 18th, 2016, 11:39 AM
Lily looked at the clock, happy to have some luck today. Usually, she would wake up super late on a school day, but thanks to that odd dream that she had, she was able to wake up. She hopped out of her bed with a yawn, putting her journal on her desk before she got ready for school.
(Sunday morning not Monday)

November 18th, 2016, 11:46 AM
(Sunday morning not Monday)
(can we just time skip?)

Wildy~ =3
November 18th, 2016, 08:10 PM
"Just what?" Jason was getting nervous now, 'is it just me or do I feel a dejavu coming?'
"I had a similar dream," Lily said hesitantly.

Wildy~ =3
November 18th, 2016, 08:14 PM
(can we just time skip?)
(Nuu I wanna continue the phone call)

November 19th, 2016, 08:27 AM
Oh lord i started late oh well could you spare me a recap? )

November 19th, 2016, 10:54 AM
Oh lord i started late oh well could you spare me a recap? )
(Not really much happened.... the past two pages are Lily and Jason discussing about dreams, and the two other posts are about others having similar dreams. The rest are just forms and comments. IT is SUNDAY morning for those who are still confused.))

November 19th, 2016, 10:55 AM
(Nuu I wanna continue the phone call)
(Mkay then))

November 19th, 2016, 11:00 AM
"I had a similar dream," Lily said hesitantly.
Jason threw the phone at the bed and ran. He ran to the kitchen to grab a bottle of tonic water and opened it. Gulping down half, he returned to his phone and picked it up. "You've WHAT?!" Jason said, shocked.

November 19th, 2016, 11:27 AM
Lily got everything ready for school for tomorrow. She never actually prepared for the next day, but she was in the mood. Lily yawned and went downstairs to eat her breakfast, turning on the TV as she set it up. The girl sat down on the couch and watched some anime while taking a bite from her cereal with her spoon.

Wildy~ =3
November 22nd, 2016, 08:44 PM
Jason threw the phone at the bed and ran. He ran to the kitchen to grab a bottle of tonic water and opened it. Gulping down half, he returned to his phone and picked it up. "You've WHAT?!" Jason said, shocked.
"..." Lia said. After a moment, she said. "I had a dream like that too."

November 25th, 2016, 12:08 AM
"..." Lia said. After a moment, she said. "I had a dream like that too."
"Do you remember it as clear as day?" Jason said, "If yes, can you describe what it looked like?" He was curious, and he wanted to know why they both had the same dreams, or similar. His memory of the dream still lingered, but they were getting slightly fuzzy, although he still remembered every part of it...

November 25th, 2016, 12:12 AM
Name: Adeya
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Grade: 7th
Looks: http://i57.tinypic.com/dnhuo4.jpg
Perso: TBRP'D, sassyeeee
Other/Questions: Nah

November 25th, 2016, 07:45 AM
Vixen shakespere woke up her heart thrumming " wahat a peculiar dream " she said then gasped " dreams, are indeed, ambition " she recallled she picked up a journal and drew out her dream
Lunis wolf yawned kicking the air in atempt to kill whatever was trying to kill her " Gosh why do i have such strange dreams " she hissed
had been wide awake for hours she pulled on her beanie and ran to the window she leapt out her second story window and grabbed a branch Z" this was how my dream started" she recalled gingerly
Carmen yelped and screamed " NOOOOOOOO " pulling the covers over her head and covering her eyes not sure what else she could do

Wildy~ =3
November 25th, 2016, 10:48 PM
"Do you remember it as clear as day?" Jason said, "If yes, can you describe what it looked like?" He was curious, and he wanted to know why they both had the same dreams, or similar. His memory of the dream still lingered, but they were getting slightly fuzzy, although he still remembered every part of it...
(@Sweet Skies Accepted!)
"... Do I have to?" Lia asked. She wasn't whining but she didn't want to talk much about it.

November 26th, 2016, 12:34 AM
( @Sweet Skies Accepted!)
"... Do I have to?" Lia asked. She wasn't whining but she didn't want to talk much about it.
"Oh no you don't have to" Jason said, starting to multitask. He got out a rubix cube and attempted to solve it, but failing to do so.

November 26th, 2016, 12:37 AM
Name: Skylar Moon
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Looks: Blonde hair with blue eyes, thin,
Personality: Kind, loving, generouse, hot headed, athletic
Other/Questions: Plays basketball (point guard)

November 26th, 2016, 07:02 AM
(Oml Skylar Moon sounds like Sailor Moon XDDDD)

Wildy~ =3
November 26th, 2016, 09:17 PM
"Oh no you don't have to" Jason said, starting to multitask. He got out a rubix cube and attempted to solve it, but failing to do so.
(@XxEchonightxX accepted!)
"Ok," Lia said.

November 26th, 2016, 10:33 PM
(@XxEchonightxX accepted!)
"Ok," Lia said.
Jason realized how fast the conversation turned awkward and decided to hang up to think more about his situation. "Oh sorry, my mom is calling me, meet you tomorrow" He said, excusing himself from the phone. Without an answer from the other side, he hung up and tried to remember what he was doing before the call.

Wildy~ =3
November 26th, 2016, 10:45 PM
Jason realized how fast the conversation turned awkward and decided to hang up to think more about his situation. "Oh sorry, my mom is calling me, meet you tomorrow" He said, excusing himself from the phone. Without an answer from the other side, he hung up and tried to remember what he was doing before the call.
"Oh. Ok," Lia said. As soon as the call ended she immediately turned on Tokyo Mew Mew.

November 26th, 2016, 10:50 PM
Jason couldn't remember what he was about to do so he went into "The Quiet Room" and turned his game console on to play a game that was sitting on his shelf collecting dust.

Wildy~ =3
November 26th, 2016, 11:08 PM
Jason couldn't remember what he was about to do so he went into "The Quiet Room" and turned his game console on to play a game that was sitting on his shelf collecting dust.
(Timeskip to evening? XD)

November 26th, 2016, 11:38 PM
(Timeskip to evening? XD)
(If ya want)

Wildy~ =3
November 27th, 2016, 10:16 AM
(If ya want)
Lia had finally finished the last episode (The 52nd XD) of Tokyo Mew Mew, and looked at the time. 6:00. She got up and went to the kitchen, grabbing a banana and eating it.

November 27th, 2016, 01:23 PM
Jason stood up from his chair. He finished the game already and needed food. He got up and cooked himself a bowl of ramen. He sat down and ate the instant food, thinking about the conversation hours ago.

Wildy~ =3
November 27th, 2016, 01:36 PM
Jason stood up from his chair. He finished the game already and needed food. He got up and cooked himself a bowl of ramen. He sat down and ate the instant food, thinking about the conversation hours ago.
"I'm sooo dang bored........." Lia said, finishing her banana. Then suddenly her brother Ali (NOT Ali Baba XD) came in and said, "Whatever," before going onto his computer and playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum.

November 27th, 2016, 01:44 PM
Jason put the bowl in the dish washer and proceeded to find something to play. He ended up going outside to eat or something.

Wildy~ =3
November 27th, 2016, 02:33 PM
Jason put the bowl in the dish washer and proceeded to find something to play. He ended up going outside to eat or something.
Lia got up, put on a beautiful fall-colored sweater and went outside. She grabbed her helmet, got on her scooter, and started riding it around the block.

November 27th, 2016, 11:37 PM
Jason eventually just buys a hot dog next to the park. When he got the hot dog, he went ahead and sat on a bench in middle of an open park. He got out his phone and looked through his games, but was reluctant to play them.

Wildy~ =3
November 28th, 2016, 08:17 PM
Jason eventually just buys a hot dog next to the park. When he got the hot dog, he went ahead and sat on a bench in middle of an open park. He got out his phone and looked through his games, but was reluctant to play them.
Lia went past Jason on her scooter, somehow able to use her purse as a basket. She was heading to the library to return Moth Flight's Vision. She was also going to the shop nearby to buy candy.

November 28th, 2016, 09:10 PM
Jason thought he heard something behind him and as he looked back, he realized who it was. Frowning, he laid his two options, to interact with the girl and talk about the dreams, or just try to avoid for now... He decided on something and pocketed his phone, walking towards where the girl went.

Wildy~ =3
November 28th, 2016, 09:16 PM
Jason thought he heard something behind him and as he looked back, he realized who it was. Frowning, he laid his two options, to interact with the girl and talk about the dreams, or just try to avoid for now... He decided on something and pocketed his phone, walking towards where the girl went.
Lia arrived at the library and chained her scooter to the (What is it called? XD) and took off her helmet as well as the purse. She saw Jason and waved.

November 28th, 2016, 09:30 PM
(Sorry for delay, was doing stuff)
Jason stopped. 'Well, there goes your stealth plans' He shrugged and went into the library with two reasons in mind. One, he needed to discuss about the dream, and two, because he needed to entertain himself with books so he wouldn't die from boredom.

Wildy~ =3
November 28th, 2016, 09:44 PM
(Sorry for delay, was doing stuff)
Jason stopped. 'Well, there goes your stealth plans' He shrugged and went into the library with two reasons in mind. One, he needed to discuss about the dream, and two, because he needed to entertain himself with books so he wouldn't die from boredom.

Lia shrugged and followed Jason. She returned the book and went to look for books from the series that she like. (Series is supposed to be plural but idk lol)

November 29th, 2016, 08:21 PM
Lia shrugged and followed Jason. She returned the book and went to look for books from the series that she like. (Series is supposed to be plural but idk lol)
Jason went to fantasy and took his time looking at the list of books. He just wanted to read something interesting, but he ended up picking up a huge amount of books. Not noticing Lia, he walked up to the cashier to borrow the books(it was a cashier right?)

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 08:29 PM
Jason went to fantasy and took his time looking at the list of books. He just wanted to read something interesting, but he ended up picking up a huge amount of books. Not noticing Lia, he walked up to the cashier to borrow the books(it was a cashier right?)
Lia got Thunder and Shadow and brought it to the cashier guy... idk.
Not noticing Jason, she got her receipt thing and walked away.
She forgot something and rushed back inside. Tripping due to hurrying, she fell. Her book landed on the counter.
(Answer this question plz. Why did I end up shipping Lia and Jason? XD)

November 29th, 2016, 08:34 PM
Lia got Thunder and Shadow and brought it to the cashier guy... idk.
Not noticing Jason, she got her receipt thing and walked away.
She forgot something and rushed back inside. Tripping due to hurrying, she fell. Her book landed on the counter.
(Answer this question plz. Why did I end up shipping Lia and Jason? XD)
Jason heard a thud and looked around. He left the books and his ID card on the cashier's desk and ran towards the sound. He gasped as he saw Lia on the floor. "Are you ok?" He asked, reaching out with his left hand.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 08:39 PM
Jason heard a thud and looked around. He left the books and his ID card on the cashier's desk and ran towards the sound. He gasped as he saw Lia on the floor. "Are you ok?" He asked, reaching out with his left hand.
"Ow..." Lia said. She grabbed his hand and got up. "I'm ok," she replied. Somehow she was never able to blush (XD idk why tho), but she seemed embarrassed about falling. Since the floor was carpet, she didn't get hurt.

November 29th, 2016, 08:48 PM
"Ow..." Lia said. She grabbed his hand and got up. "I'm ok," she replied. Somehow she was never able to blush (XD idk why tho), but she seemed embarrassed about falling. Since the floor was carpet, she didn't get hurt.
Jason, however, did not notice the blush. "Ok" He simply said, going back to the cashier to get the 20 books checked out.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 08:57 PM
Jason, however, did not notice the blush. "Ok" He simply said, going back to the cashier to get the 20 books checked out.
(She didn't blush XD oh well)
Lia got her book before the cashier could get it back two weeks too early and left to go home.
It was dinner time for her when she got home. She put her helmet, scooter and sweater away and started eating. It was macaroni and cheese, her favorite.

November 29th, 2016, 09:08 PM
(She didn't blush XD oh well)
Lia got her book before the cashier could get it back two weeks too early and left to go home.
It was dinner time for her when she got home. She put her helmet, scooter and sweater away and started eating. It was macaroni and cheese, her favorite.
(close enough)
Jason carried his two bags of books into his house. For dinner, he got out a package of instant ramen and cooked.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 09:16 PM
(close enough)
Jason carried his two bags of books into his house. For dinner, he got out a package of instant ramen and cooked.
After dinner Lia felt unusually tired and went to bed.


She saw a familiar glowing purple stone. She went over to touch it, but it started floating away from her. No matter how fast she ran to chase it, it stayed ahead of her.

Eventually she arrived at a library. The stone hid somewhere among the books. She walked past a book with something on the spine, but she didn't notice it.

Eventually, she gave up and left the library.... And the dream disappeared.


Lia woke with a start. She got her stuff ready for school and ate breakfast at 5 a.m.

November 29th, 2016, 09:30 PM
After dinner Lia felt unusually tired and went to bed.


She saw a familiar glowing purple stone. She went over to touch it, but it started floating away from her. No matter how fast she ran to chase it, it stayed ahead of her.

Eventually she arrived at a library. The stone hid somewhere among the books. She walked past a book with something on the spine, but she didn't notice it.

Eventually, she gave up and left the library.... And the dream disappeared.


Lia woke with a start. She got her stuff ready for school and ate breakfast at 5 a.m.
Jason fell asleep pretty late, and when he did, he thought he heard ticking...
He looked around, everything black. He heard ticking everywhere and a faint voice calling "can't you hear the time?" He ran forwards, expecting it to never end when he met empty air. He fell, falling down a long way, and eventually falling towards his school. He saw that he was about to hit a tree right next to the art room when he stopped. Everything was frozen, except for the light that was coming from the tree...
Jason woke up, frowning. He had no idea what had happened, but it looks like he had fallen asleep while on his phone. Quickly, he got dressed and ate on the way to school....

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 09:40 PM
Jason fell asleep pretty late, and when he did, he thought he heard ticking...
He looked around, everything black. He heard ticking everywhere and a faint voice calling "can't you hear the time?" He ran forwards, expecting it to never end when he met empty air. He fell, falling down a long way, and eventually falling towards his school. He saw that he was about to hit a tree right next to the art room when he stopped. Everything was frozen, except for the light that was coming from the tree...
Jason woke up, frowning. He had no idea what had happened, but it looks like he had fallen asleep while on his phone. Quickly, he got dressed and ate on the way to school....
Lia was already in front of the school eating cookies and candy. She saw him and waved.

November 29th, 2016, 09:45 PM
Lia was already in front of the school eating cookies and candy. She saw him and waved.
Jason finished eating his 'Chapata de bistec con queso sin tomate sin avocado' by the time he noticed Lia. 'Convenient' He thought, running towards her.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 09:49 PM
Jason finished eating his 'Chapata de bistec con queso sin tomate sin avocado' by the time he noticed Lia. 'Convenient' He thought, running towards her.
"Hi," Lia said.

November 29th, 2016, 09:52 PM
"Hi," Lia said.
"DID...YOU...HAVE....ANOTHER...DREAM...RELATED....T O...THE....OTHER...ONE?" Jason said, each and every word coming after a gasp of breath.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 09:55 PM
"DID...YOU...HAVE....ANOTHER...DREAM...RELATED....T O...THE....OTHER...ONE?" Jason said, each and every word coming after a gasp of breath.
"... yes. Why?" Lia asked.

November 29th, 2016, 09:58 PM
"... yes. Why?" Lia asked.
"..." Jason looked at Lia in half disbelief and half something else. "Nevermind! Gotta run!" And with that, he ran to his locker.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 10:01 PM
"..." Jason looked at Lia in half disbelief and half something else. "Nevermind! Gotta run!" And with that, he ran to his locker.
Lia rolled her eyes and smiled. "Doesn't he remember? My locker is next to his!" she said to herself as she walked over there.

November 29th, 2016, 10:05 PM
Lia rolled her eyes and smiled. "Doesn't he remember? My locker is next to his!" she said to herself as she walked over there.
Jason just threw his stuff into the locker and locked it. He ran past Lia, going at about the speed of light to outside the school.

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 10:09 PM
Jason just threw his stuff into the locker and locked it. He ran past Lia, going at about the speed of light to outside the school.
"HEY! WE HAVE HOMEROOM YOU KNOW!" Lia yelled at Jason.

November 29th, 2016, 10:11 PM
"HEY! WE HAVE HOMEROOM YOU KNOW!" Lia yelled at Jason.
"TELL THE TEACHER I MIGHT BE LATE" Jason threw the words over his shoulder as he ran outside of the school. He stopped, gasping for breath. He looked around for the tree he saw in his dream and walked towards it, and heard the whispers again... "Can't you see the hours? Can't you hear the time?"

Wildy~ =3
November 29th, 2016, 10:14 PM
"TELL THE TEACHER I MIGHT BE LATE" Jason threw the words over his shoulder as he ran outside of the school. He stopped, gasping for breath. He looked around for the tree he saw in his dream and walked towards it, and heard the whispers again... "Can't you see the hours? Can't you hear the time?"
Lia shrugged and went to homeroom.
"Jason's going to be late," she told the teacher, sitting at her desk.

November 29th, 2016, 10:19 PM
Lia shrugged and went to homeroom.
"Jason's going to be late," she told the teacher, sitting at her desk.
Jason felt himself getting excited at what he was about to discover. He climbed the tree, the whispers getting louder, until everything fell silent. "Now you see the time" the voice whispered, "Now you hear the hours" and everything began to shine around him.

Wildy~ =3
November 30th, 2016, 08:11 PM
Jason felt himself getting excited at what he was about to discover. He climbed the tree, the whispers getting louder, until everything fell silent. "Now you see the time" the voice whispered, "Now you hear the hours" and everything began to shine around him.
(Wat is going on?)
Lia and the rest of the class waited for Jason. The teacher was about to start homeroom without him.

November 30th, 2016, 08:17 PM
(Wat is going on?)
Lia and the rest of the class waited for Jason. The teacher was about to start homeroom without him.
(Nothing. Jason daydreamed)
Jason woke up inside the tree. He saw nothing happened and realized he had fallen asleep due to lack of sleep. Shrugging, he ran towards the home room.

Wildy~ =3
November 30th, 2016, 08:49 PM
(Nothing. Jason daydreamed)
Jason woke up inside the tree. He saw nothing happened and realized he had fallen asleep due to lack of sleep. Shrugging, he ran towards the home room.
(Oh ok)
Lia saw Jason and said, "All hail the king of late," so quietly no one heard her.
"Go sit down Jason, you're late," the teacher said.

November 30th, 2016, 08:57 PM
(Oh ok)
Lia saw Jason and said, "All hail the king of late," so quietly no one heard her.
"Go sit down Jason, you're late," the teacher said.
"I'm sorry" He said, going to his seat when he realized his bag is still stuffed in his locker...

Wildy~ =3
November 30th, 2016, 09:05 PM
"I'm sorry" He said, going to his seat when he realized his bag is still stuffed in his locker...
"Dude you don't need your bag for homeroom," Lia said, trying hard not to laugh.

November 30th, 2016, 09:07 PM
"Dude you don't need your bag for homeroom," Lia said, trying hard not to laugh.
"Oh yes I do!" Jason said. EVERYTHING was in his bag....

Wildy~ =3
November 30th, 2016, 09:17 PM
"Oh yes I do!" Jason said. EVERYTHING was in his bag....
Lia opened her bag. "Fine. What do you need? I most likely have extras," she said.
The teacher smiled.

November 30th, 2016, 09:19 PM
Lia opened her bag. "Fine. What do you need? I most likely have extras," she said.
The teacher smiled.
"A stapler, ruler, pen, lots of blank paper, stopwatch, and a magnifying glass" Jason said, "Oh, and don't forget about a double sided tape"

Wildy~ =3
December 22nd, 2016, 09:40 AM
"A stapler, ruler, pen, lots of blank paper, stopwatch, and a magnifying glass" Jason said, "Oh, and don't forget about a double sided tape"
(Timeskip this class?)

No One's Beeswax
January 17th, 2017, 03:32 PM
... Not anymore!
One of the kids at Eversky Middle School has found a special rune that makes some things.... Become part of reality.

So, at first it's a normal middle school... Then someone finds the hidden Imagination Rune. I won't tell you who... But this is going to be sweet.
Rune holder becomes the master of it all. Also, everyone has dreams of the Imagination Rune.



My Form:

Name: Lia
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Grade: 8th
Looks: Somewhat short, Brown hair that sometimes seems to taunt her. Not that she cares XD. Hazel eyes.
Perso: Friendly, Cheerful, sometimes Distant, She likes to keep her true thoughts to herself. She always acts depending on her situation.
Other/Questions: Lia is a nickname someone gave me for no reason XD
Name: Clementine (Clem) Redd
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Grade: 8th
Looks: I'm to preoccupied to describe Clem so here is a picture. Imagine this but with no makeup: http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=112&d=1484356348
Perso: Clem is peppy, naive, over-trusting, and excessively loyal. She had an odd obsession with sweatshirts and is addicted to searching up puns on the internet.
Other/Questions: Hmm, nothing at the moment.

Wildy~ =3
January 28th, 2017, 07:52 PM
Name: Clementine (Clem) Redd
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Grade: 8th
Looks: I'm to preoccupied to describe Clem so here is a picture. Imagine this but with no makeup: http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=112&d=1484356348
Perso: Clem is peppy, naive, over-trusting, and excessively loyal. She had an odd obsession with sweatshirts and is addicted to searching up puns on the internet.
Other/Questions: Hmm, nothing at the moment.

No One's Beeswax
January 29th, 2017, 03:44 PM
Clem was underground, the smell of dust filled her nose. Good thing she wasn't allergic! Clem looked around at her surroundings, they were so dark she couldn't see what was right in front of her. Then a dim light ignited, Clem slowly edged towards it and touched it gingerly. The surface was warm and comforting, as Clem touched the light in grew brighter and brighter until Clem heard a loud beeping. She covered her ears as she slowly woke up.

Clementine sighed at her desk in homeroom as she remembered her dream then being waken up by her alarm clock.

(This is Clem so she is currently wearing this (http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/aqb86n-i.jpg) sweatshirt)